Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weekly Reflections 9-10

Reflection #9

     Today I realized that even computers need to rest.  I was writing a paper, but could not figure out why my computer was running so slowly and when I typed in letters, they didn't appear for about 5-10 seconds.  It was really annoying and I had just run a cleaner and virus scan on the computer so it should have been fine.  I tried closing all my applications and reopening them, but it didn't help.  In my frustration, I shut down my computer and read a couple pages in a book.  When I came back to turn it on, I realized that the keyboard was really warm and I did not noticed that before (probably because my hands had been used to it).  Thinking about it, I realized I had left the computer on all day and it was probably running slow from overheating.  After figuring this out, I had another revelation.  At home, Dad has a mini-fan under the counter by the computer, but it's back far enough that I thought it was used for cooling off your legs on a hot day.  Now I know it is to keep the computer from overheating.

Reflection #10

     Have you ever played Dance Dance Revolution?  I have only played it once, but I always hear about it or see videos of it on Youtube.  It's a pretty popular game and it's super fun.  After I read, P.E. Classes Turn to Video Game that Works Legs, I though it was so cool that schools are beginning to use "video games" in the system.  You can totally connect with the students with music of their time, and they are getting a workout in PE.  Many times, students like to play video games more than sports because that is the society they are growing up in.  It's cool to see school incorporating some of the new game technology.  I think that traditional sports should always be played in schools for PE, but playing games like DDR once in a while if fun also.

1 comment:

  1. I love that this is happening with video games! I played with the new Kinect Xbox with the kids I nanny and it is a great thing! You get a work out, play a sport, and have fun at the same time. All while calling it a video game! These advances in technology are so beneficial to the health of the population.
