Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Interactive Whiteboard

Introducing Interactive Whiteboards into Schools 

     In this article, the author discusses the many different type of teachers who began to use the interactive whiteboard.  I found it very interesting in reading all of the different reactions that the teachers had to these interactive whiteboards.  Although I knew that some of the older teachers do not like change and often reject it, I was a little surprised at some of the reactions toward the board.

      Some of the teachers were very excited and eager about using the new interactive whiteboards; whereas, other teachers believed that traditional studying is the only way to teach. These teachers think that when the student knows more about technology than the teacher, the teacher loses his/her credibility and that using this new boards takes more time to prepare for each class period.  Many other teachers also believe that there has been enough change within the education system; these new boards are just another change to deal with and these teachers feel they cannot handle anymore change.  

     I think that these interactive whiteboards are amazing and should be used within education.  They do not hinder the students' academic study and they seem to increase student participation within the class.  The author also states that many schools who started to use the interactive whiteboards began to see improvements after two years.  These boards are entertaining for the students and will help to keep their attention in class. 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting viewpoints Ariel. There are definitely positives and negatives with any new program.
