Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Assignment 1: Technology Literacy Blog

     In the article “Use of SMART Boards for teaching, learning and assessment in kindergarten science,” the authors, Chris Preston and Lee Mowbray, discuss the uses, value, and limitations that come with using a SMART Board in a kindergarten science class.  The research that the authors provided for this article is from Abbotsleigh Junior School.  Because of its many features – such as highlighting and writing text using ones finger or other object, playing videos or sounds by pressing an object, and playing with the multimedia games – the SMART Board, also known as the interactive white board, is a great asset to a classroom.  The features and its many other uses help get the students engaged and interested in the lessons, excited to come to class, and provide a good aid by using plenty of visuals or audio.  According to the teachers, the students give more attention to the lesson because they can see, hear, and interact with the topics with the use of the board.  Although there were many benefits to having the interactive white board in class, there also some drawbacks.  For example, the board can only be used by one child at a time or the board can be a distraction if students are working in separate groups.   The interactive white board’s potential for helping students become more involved with their education is high, but there are also limitations in using this technology that the teacher will have to work around.   
     While reading this article, I could see the benefits, as well as the drawbacks of using this technology with a kindergarten class.  I agree with the author that kindergarten students need a lot of direct instruction and teacher modeling while teaching science or other subjects.  The interactive white board’s usefulness in helping with teacher modeling and instruction can increase a child’s understanding in science.  Students have a better time understanding when they are able to see and experience what they are learning.  In science, being able to learn through discovery is especially helpful because they can feel and smell many things such as rocks, grass, or trees.  Also I agreed with some of the drawbacks with the board in that only one student can use it at a time, but I have recently learned over the past few weeks of many different methods that can be applied where all of the students are involved and participating in an activity using the white board.
     This article was very beneficial to me because I have gained a better understanding of some of the benefits and limitations of using the SMART Board.  Also, the board must be used effectively and efficiently within the classroom or else it will become a hindrance rather than a benefit.

Preston, Chris and Lee Mowbray. "Use of SMART Boards for 
     Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Kindergarten Science.”  
     Teaching Science - the Journal of the Australian Science 
     Teachers Association.  June 2008: 5.

NETS for Teachers:
3.   Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

     This standard is important as a teacher because the age that we live in now is full of technology.  Each year new technology is brought into schools; and in order to teach with it fluently, teachers must be proficient at working with technology.  It will also help when giving assignments because you will be aware of what programs or sites will be most beneficial for your students.  Being able to perform a task with technology will allow you to model instructions, which will be beneficial to your students if they are new to a program or are not very fluent in that program.

Three ways that I can work on this throughout the semester consist of:
·       To always be open to new ways of doing something on a program or online.
-        For instance, learning how to use the graphs and higher functions on excel.
·       Observe how my professors and fellow classmates give presentations using technology, then memorizing anything new that I see, and trying to perform the process later.
·       Finding new sites that can help in my teaching and learning
-        Teacher Tube, Teacher.net, etc.

NETS for Students:
      1.  Creativity and Innovation

     This standard is important for students because it causes them to use what knowledge they have in order to create or improve an idea.  Because technology is becoming an important role with the education system, students are able to take their ideas and explore new ways of demonstrating their ideas.  This helps them not only to think for themselves, but it can also help students become more active within the classroom.

Two assignments that students could do to meet this standard consist of: 
  1. After direct instruction, students are placed into groups and must create a three slide power point showing different pictures of animals and listing the type of animal.  
  2. Students will be placed into predetermined pairs, create a word problem containing fractions, solve it, and present the problem to the class.  Each group will have to write the problem on the board as they are explaining it.

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